Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Policy

At Tech Studio 75, safeguarding the data of each client who engages with our services is our utmost priority. We are committed to maintaining a robust protection framework for all our clients. Our privacy policy outlines how we collect and utilize your data to deliver the best services, ensuring that the information gathered is with the explicit consent of our clients for various purposes such as tailored strategies, notifications, informative communications, and more.

Should any of our clients decide to discontinue our services, rest assured that the data provided by them will continue to be safeguarded in accordance with our policy.

Why Do We Collect Data?
Data collection by Tech Studio 75 serves primarily as a means of self-assessment. The information gathered is aimed at enhancing service quality and providing you with content that aligns with your interests. It allows us to gauge our success in attracting new clients and understanding their motivations for engaging with us.

Primarily, we collect data to improve the services we offer and personalize the content and services provided to you. Additionally, we utilize your data to analyze and measure our performance success. For example, aggregated data provides insights into visitor traffic and behavior on our platforms.

Information Collection and Communication:

The data we gather about our clients is entirely provided by them on a voluntary basis.
Depending on the type of service chosen, clients may provide information in various ways.
For instance, credit card information may be shared with us during website sign-up or over the phone. Our payment processing is handled by trusted third-party services such as PayPal and Stripe.
These third-party companies are solely responsible for processing payments and do not retain, share, or store your information beyond what is necessary for service billing.
In the event of a special campaign, we may require additional information from clients, including name, physical address, credit card details, and other relevant data, to fulfill the task. Such information is necessary during the registration process.
It is strictly against our policy to correlate any data provided by clients with their location data. The information provided during package selection is used solely to provide relevant service-related information. Clients can update, correct, or delete their personal information by contacting us via phone or email.

Revision Policy:

At Tech Studio 75, we offer unlimited revisions as per your specific packages. Clients can request modifications according to the package, and no additional charges will be incurred. However, the overall design and concept will remain unchanged, and clients can request modifications within the given options. Modifying multiple options may be restricted or subject to separate charges.

The typical turnaround time for revisions is 48 to 72 hours for logos and website designs, 3 to 5 days for video projects, and timelines for software development, apps, and games may vary depending on the scope of revisions. Similarly, timelines for functionality and development modifications may vary based on the scope of work. The timeline for digital marketing strategy revisions depends on factors such as analysis, mediums, budget, and overall campaign size.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

Our privacy policy may undergo revisions over time. However, any changes to our policy will be communicated to our clients promptly. We reserve the right to update our privacy statement, and we encourage you to stay connected with our website for updates.